Home » Your common bio-nutritional questions answered
How can the biomedical approach help my child?
Even after diagnosis, many parents ask themselves: how did my child enter the autistic spectrum? The viewpoint of a growing number of practitioners is that many children have a genetic predisposition which, combined with any number of environmental assaults on the immune system, led to biochemical changes/imbalances which cause the symptoms we describe as autistic. The goal of the biomedical approach is to bring the body back into balance, the result being reduced symptoms and a child with a better chance to develop “neuro-typically.”
Is this protocol research-based and if so, why does my doctor not know about it?
In 1995, the Autism Research Institute (ARI) began to hold meetings for carefully selected physicians, researchers, and scientists committed to finding effective treatments for autism. Many mainstream medical doctors are slow to catch on to the approach and there is some resistance since many of these doctors were taught in medical school that autism is an untreatable disorder, or that pharmaceutical medications are the only answer. The best way to educate your doctor is to provide information to physicians about the approach.
What kinds of benefits will I see with the diet and nutritional supplements and how long will it take?
Every child is different and has different biochemical make-up and imbalances, and though there is no “rule,” there are some benefits from nutritional supplements which are common to many children:
• GFCFSF diet: increased speech, “coming out of the fog,” performing better at therapies, achieving developmental goals and more
• B vitamins and magnesium: increased communication skills, reduced restlessness, less irritability, reduced self-stimulation, better eye contact and more
• Cod Liver Oil (with A & D): improved vision/eye contact, improved awareness, improved behavior, improved immune system
• Epsom salts: stimulated detoxification, improved sleep patterns, better mood, better motor skills, better language
• Digestive enzymes: help breakdown proteins, carbohydrates and fats for better absorption; can promote calmer and clearer communication and behavior
• DMG/TMG/MB12: improved speech, communication, focus, eye contact and more
And these are just the beginning! Just as each child is an individual, and because every child’s protocol is different, it can take anywhere from days to months to see changes. The biomedical approach is a long term approach to health.
The GFCFSF diet seems so difficult. Does my child have to follow it in order to see results?
This is one of the most common questions parents have! Approximately 50% of children do respond to the diet, meaning, it often helps them to achieve better and clearer communication, better social interaction and less autistic symptoms in general. In addition, the diet often makes way for better eating patterns and better digestion, which is key for getting nutrition into your child’s system. For most parents, the above are key developmental goals for their child, so trial of the diet is recommended for almost every child. With all of the food substitutions available today, the diet quickly becomes second nature and is well worth the effort for the great progress so many children make when on the diet. You may want to begin the transition by trying to prepare more of the GFCFSF foods your family already eats, then pay a visit to your local health food or gluten free store to browse the amazing selection of foods your child will eat in place of food favorites. The first week of the diet is generally the hardest, but for most, the learning curve is steep!
Are there other changes we should make in our home to help our child?
Cleaning up your child’s environment is a key part of the journey towards health. Here are some of the changes that should begun to be implemented in order to help to lessen the toxic burden on your ASD child’s body:
• Make the switch over to 100% natural cleaning supplies
• Switch to cast iron, aluminum and Teflon-free cookware
• Use glass instead of plastic containers
• Avoid buying toys that are made in China to avoid lead contamination
• Purchase natural and gluten free, casein free, soy free toothpaste, soaps and medicines
• Invest in a reverse osmosis water filter for your home
• Consider investing in a HEPA air filter to clean the air in your home/child’s room of allergens and dust mites
Dietary tips:
• Buy organic food, especially fats and oils which often contain a higher concentration of pesticides and avoid seafood and heavy-metal toxic fish
Other things to remember:
• Avoid spraying pesticides, installing new flooring or carpeting or use of any other chemicals around your child
• If your child is prescribed antibiotics for an infection or if a dental procedure is recommended for your child, remember to contact me first to ensure this is done safely
Remember that I am here to guide you along the journey—please do not hesitate to ask me if you have any other questions which have not been addressed! I will be happy to hear from you.
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